Member of Lawyers Bar Association of Cádiz, Spain.
Lund University, Sweden.
University Generation 2010-2011
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
University Generation 1999-2004
CEU- San Pablo University (Postgraduate School) & FYDU foundation, Marbella, Málaga, Spain.
Generation 2016
He graduated from Complutense University of Madrid with a bachelor's degree in law.
He spent a few years studying in the United Kingdom, where the University of Westminster in London awarded him a Certificate of Proficiency in English.
Then, he obtained a master's degree in maritime law by the University of Lund, Sweden, collaborating with the World Maritime University (WMU). His tesis was about "The seafarer's rights and P&I coverage on the crew in the UK"
Additionally, he received the Urban Planning Law diploma from the FYDU Institution and the University CEU of San Pablo through the Marbella Council.
He is currently Director of the Law Firm: Correro Abogados located in Costa del Sol, Sotogrande, San Roque (Cádiz), where he practices civil law, property law, criminal law, urban planning law among others areas, being a member of the Lawyers Bar Association of Cádiz, and provides advisory services to urban conservation entities and community of owners.
Languages: Spanish, English.
Lund University, Sweden.
(School of Economics & Management).
University Generation 2011
University of Sonora, México. University Generation 2001-2006.
General Directorate of Industrial Technological Education (DGETI).
Generation 1998-2001
After obtaining a bachelor's degree in law from the University of Sonora, México (F.M.NP Alfonso X El Sabio University, Madrid) , she did an internships at SAT (Tax Administration Service), mostly in the complaint department, and in the Supreme Court of Justice of Sonora, México (Mercantile Court). Her thesis examined was "The computer law" (Derecho informático).
She was certified as an accounting technician by the DGTI in Mexico.
She lived by two years in United Kingdom, where she obtained a Certificate of Proficiency in English by the University of Westminster, London. After, she studied a Master Degree in the Univesity of Lund, Sweden about European and International Tax Law , specialized in indirect taxes. Her tesis was about "Illegal Importations and Custom VAT liability".
She participated in some European Tax Law Seminars, one of them in the University of Århus, Denmark. She also studied Swedish at Konvux school (kommunal Vuxenutbildning) to improve her language.
Courses: Corpotate tax management, Income Tax, VAT and Corporate tax accounting, imparted by CEA (Confederation of Business of Andalusia), approved by the Board of Andalusia 2012.
From July 2011 to May 2017 she worked in a law firm in Sotogrande where she carry out tasks of administration of communities, law, accounting, recovery of debts, and fiscal managements for national and international clients.
Since June 2017 she is member of the Law Firm Correro Abogados, Sotogrande, Spain (Costa del Sol).
Languages: Spanish, English.